Friday 22 May 2015

Business Strategy Game - Blow Water

Now that all the orders and payments are in, briefing and practices will commence within the next two weeks. That is, once the local distributor of BSG delivers the licences (prepaid codes) to us. Altogether there are 173 sub-groups plus 6 tutors playing and competing against each other - a total of 179 "companies". These 179 companies will be divided into 15 industries. 14 industries will have 12 companies each and 1 industry will have 11 companies, making a total of 179 companies.

Each company will receive a set of industry code and prepaid code. You will then have to register online via the BSG homepage. The industry code denotes the industry that your company will be competing in. The prepaid code gives you the right to play the game. Each industry will consist of companies from different programmes of study (3RAC, 3RBU, and 2RMK) and your tutors. LOL!!!! Do not worry about your tutors - just like you, they are all beginners in BSG. You will be able to beat the sh*t out of them!!!

Registering for the game will be the first step in the whole process. There will be a briefing soon (during lecture time) with regard to how to register and how to play the game. Most likely, this briefing session will be in Week 4.

The game will be played over 10 rounds of competition. Each round is known as a Year, so the game will start from Year 11 and end in Year 20. All companies in every industry will start at the same position in Year 11. Therefore, it is assumed that your company has already been in existence for 10 years (ie. Year 1 to Year 10). You will start the game by making decisions for Year 11. There will be a deadline for the decisions. For example, you start the game at 0015 hours Monday, and the deadline for decisions is 2359 hours Wednesday. You can change your decisions any number of times as long as you do it before the deadline. On the deadline, the decisions that you saved before the deadline will be deemed to be the final decisions. The system will then close and start processing all the decisions made by companies in your industry. The result will be known in about 12 to 15 minutes time. The result will show your company's performance viz-a-viz the other companies in your industry. The best company with the highest score will be ranked at the top, while the worst performing company will be at the bottom of the list. This is arguably the most exciting moment because you will very much want to know the outcome of your decisions.

There is much joy and satisfaction when you see your company at the top of the pile, and a lot of despair when your company is at the pit. I had experienced both feelings. Important thing is to rise from the depth and continue fighting. To me, it is better to have fought and lost, compared to calling it quits and not knowing if I could have won. You may not perform well in the initial years because maybe you are on the learning curve. But, if you put in the time to analyse the game, you will recover. That is why the game is played over a period of 10 Years so that you will have sufficient time to remedy your errors and to bring your company to a satisfactory score.

When I played the game, I only wanted to win. It was all or nothing for me. There were Years when my company was in deep sh*t, but the word "quit" was never in my dictionary - not then, not now. I think I'm the type who thrive on challenges and adversities. The more obstacles there are, the faster my adrenalin flows. This spirit carried me through the Years. I won the game, crowned the Industry Champion and got an A for my course. Satisfaction.

I hope you guys will possess the same spirit as I did. Play the game to the best of your ability. Be competitive because competition breeds efficiency. The more competitive it is, the more efficient you will become. You will find that if you fight to win, most likely you will end up with very high points even if you don't win the game. Fight well and you will get your A for this part of the coursework.

Cheers and have a good weekend.

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