Monday 9 November 2015



If you have been discussing with some of your friends from different programmes under different tutors, there may be slight variations in the coursework specifications. Nevertheless, the important thing is that the learning objectives, as specified in the coursework brief, are achieved:

1. Discuss critically issues pertaining to organisation layout.
2. Assess the appropriate operational layout that can serve the customers/clients effectively with minimum cost and enhancement of safety issues.
3. Evaluate the importance of layout of an organisation.

Guidelines for you in doing your coursework, just in case you are still blur blur or moong cha cha!!!!

Basically, there are TWO tasks involved in your coursework:

1. Go out and do a bit of a research on the layout of an existing business, for example, 7-11 convenience store.

2. Recommend a layout for your company which your boss has assigned you to do.

So, the first thing you have to do is to go an observe, make notes, and take photos of the layout of an existing business. Aspects of the layout which you have to consider, according to the requirements of your coursework, are:

a. Utilisation of space, equipment, and people. Is it spacious? Is it too crammed? Equipment properly arranged in an easy to use and safe manner? Convenient for people, both workers and customers, to move around? Etc.

b. Flow of information and material. How do workers communicate with each other? How do supervisors communicate with workers? How do customers communicate with workers? What about flow of materials - from store to display area for a retail store? Or flow of orders from kitchen to waiter to customer for a restaurant?

c. Safety of workplace. What considerations pertaining to layout have been given to ensure safety in the workplace? Fire exits, fire extinguishers, first aid boxes, electrical wirings, position of security personnel, security cameras, etc.

d. Interaction with customers. Does the layout facilitate communication and interaction with customers? In banks, the front office layout provides desks for several public relations officers to assist customers.

e. Servicescapes. This relates to the overall environment generated by the layout. Do customers feel relaxed and happy in the premise? How is the ambience of the place? Soft music, relaxing atmosphere, or is it like a village coffeeshop?

f. Any other aspects which you deem to be appropriate.

Okay, so (a) to (f) above are to be written as FINDINGS in your report.

After FINDINGS, you are required to give your OPINION on (a) to (f). Basically, this represents your evaluation or assessment of (a) to (f) of the observed business. Do you think they have efficient utilisation of space, equipment, and people? Is there a smooth flow of information and goods? Have workplace safety and security been meticulously planned? Are there any provisions for connecting with customers? You should provide a summary of positives and negatives. The number of positives should balance the negatives. Don't be heavy on the positives and light on the negatives or vice versa.

When you come to RECOMMENDATIONS, it is the proposal that you are going to submit to your boss. Propose to him the layout of that new outlet to be opened by adopting the positives and improving on the negatives of the observed business.


1. Photos or images are absolutely necessary. You may also wish to draw a plan of the layout - you are welcome to do so. Credit will be given for extra effort.

2. Some of you conduct interviews with customers and manager of the observed business. You are at liberty which section of your report you wish to write about the interviews. You decide. Credit will also be given for this extra effort.

3. All questions pertaining to this coursework, please put in comments at the end of this blog for everyone to read and for me to respond. If asked through other channel, example pm me in FB, there will be no response. Reason for me not responding? Everyone asks the same questions, so basically I'm repeating the answers many times.

4. If you are interviewing customers for feedback on their level of satisfaction, a satisfactory number will be 20. Your findings on these interviews should then be summarized and used to support the opinion with regard to customer interaction.

5. What to write for CONCLUSION - somebody asked. Well, you can write on one or some or all of the following:

a. The importance of a good layout design
b. The problems and challenges faced by layout planners
c. Next generation of layout designs

6. Many questions are asked by you guys in which there are no clear cut answers. The world is neither black nor white. Most of the time, it is grey. Your opinion, acceptable or unacceptable, depends on your justifications - how do you substantiate your statement? To some people, a car is a mode of transport - getting them from point A to point B. To others, a car is a thing of beauty. To some, politics is a means to get rich. To another, it is a quest for social justice. So, what about "flooring"? Does it come under "servicescapes"? Or we consider it under "safe conditions"? Please don't ask me - you have to think for yourself, form an opinion, and justify why you have come up with such thinking. Look at the "flooring" of the tutorial rooms in Block R - has it got anything to do with "servicescapes"? Does it create a "good feeling" among the students who use the rooms? I would say that it's neutral - it's just a floor for people to walk on. There is nothing to justify that it is a well-thought out part of a layout plan to create a special feeling. Go to Berjaya Times Square - children are simply happy to run and step on the musical floor tiles!! Conclusion??


  1. Hi sir, is process layout suitable for fast food restaurant? thank you :)

    1. If you are referring to the restaurant proper where customers are served, I would not think that process layout is applicable. If you are referring to the kitchen where food is prepared, it is conceivable that process layout is applied.

  2. If it is so, which layout is suitable to use as a fast food restaurant's layout? Must I use one layout for the entire restaurant? Or different type of layout for different part of the restaurant?
    I have chosen KFC as the reference
    Thank you sir :)

  3. Sir,
    For the conclusion, what should i write about?

  4. Sir,
    can i only target the market site for Petrol station instead of the fueling site?
