Sunday 24 November 2013

Holy!! My first blog!!

Today, Sunday 24th November 2013, is a historic day in my life - I'm writing my very first blog!! Doing this has been lingering in my mind for the past three weeks, ever since I attended a workshop on social media. I was so inspired and awed by our facilitator, +Suthesh Kumar, a great guy, who shared so much of his experiences with us. There is also one of my ex-students, Lim, who is always ready to offer blogging tips to me. This young man, an avid blogger himself, has my respect. He has guts and that determination to move upwards.

You might be wondering why this blog is named "Come Yum Cha With Me". Oh well, we like to yum cha (means having a drink in Chinese) and during this time we chat about a thousand things under the sun ranging from politics to scandals to cursing your lecturers (if you're students) to who's going out with whom. This blog represents my views on a variety of issues that happen in my workplace. There is a bit of something for everybody - my colleagues, students, students' parents, friends, in fact, anyone. I don't target any niche segment - too boring. I much prefer a rojak blog - something of everything for everybody. I will be sharing a lot of my interactions with students, campus happenings and maybe some issues of public interest too (ISA has been repealed, right? :))

Suddenly, I realise that I'm multi-tasking. Watching the Hong Kong Yonex-Sunrise Super Series Finals, responding to students' queries on Whatsapp, facebooking and writing this blog. Haha.. I get bombarded by queries all through my weekends. Hey, don't disturb me when Manchester United is playing, and they are playing tonight - match preview at 11.30 Astro Channel 810.

Gosh, I'm already all pumped up for this blogging stuff. Need to keep my eyes and ears open from now on and be in touch with all campus happenings especially in the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business (FAFB). Do feel free to put in your comments - don't worry, your comments are deeply appreciated - I don't consider you as lawyer buruk giving your 1 sen worth. Remember? We yum cha - open discussion and brainstorming.


  1. awesome mr roland! keep it up! :D cant wait to read more..

    1. Thanks, Songher. Tq for your support and encouragement. :))

  2. Hi sir, I'm your ex-Tarcian student too, and a blogger since 2011. It's great to see that blogging still does exist nowadays. I'm wonder what will you blog in future?

    1. Hi, Yeong. Glad to be catching up with you. I should be picking up some pointers from your blog. What's the link? I love to write on campus (TARUC) life and happenings - maybe you can call it campus "gossips". :))

    2. My blog's concept is basically like Twitter. The content is mainly about the happenings & thoughts in my life: I observe things, some thoughts spark out from my mind, then I will jot down in points. You can check out my blog by clicking my name.

      And yes, we got inspired by the same person to start blogging, so I considering it as a fate. =D

      Can't wait to read more from your blog in future sir.

  3. good start sir! now you have to keep updating it more frequently~ it doesn't have to be everyday but don't keep us waiting for tooooo long yeah =p all the best! =D

  4. Okay ...... I don't blog, but like to read yours... so keep the stories flowing... I am waiting!

  5. Well done Roland. It is a start and a good one. Looking forward to this. And will sure subcribe to your blo

  6. I like your way of writing. Looking forward to you next post.

    1. Thank you, Tenshi. I enjoy your posts too.
