Saturday 21 December 2013

Wish You Happy Dong Zhi

Many Chinese believe that the Dong Zhi (冬至) Festival is even bigger than Chinese New Year. It coincides with the Winter Solstice - the shortest or longest day - depending on which hemisphere you're staying. Everyone becomes one year older on this day. Basically, it means the Arrival of Winter. On this day, family members gather together to eat tang yuan (湯圓), which is a sweet syrup (boiled with pandan leaves and a few slices of ginger) with glutinous rice balls. Personally, I love these balls, especially those with some fillings inside. The fillings could be grounded peanuts or red bean paste. Their roundness symbolizes family unity and harmony. Traditionally, it is a big fanfare on this day. People go to temples and back home a big dinner is prepared.

Modern day work schedules don't permit us to make a party of this festival. And us younger generations have forgotten a lot of the traditions. Nevertheless, we celebrate with a big meal, too lazy to cook, just go to the restaurant. Anyway, I will be having a potluck dinner in my place. I cook some dishes and my aunt will also bring over something, so we just gather and have some fellowship. 

It's a hectic end to the year. Christmas and New Year (and EXAMS - sorry spoil your mood) counting down. As for today, we just wish each other Happy Dong Zhi.


  1. hm.. you are right, younger generation don't even know what is 'dong zhi' e.g my son, also can't blame him except myself. :( For me, no big feast, able to cook simple dinner for my family should consider very lucky, otherwise go out 'ta pau' or go mamak eat roti canai loh!!

    1. Haha, Wai Wai, myself big feast - just a reason to be together with relatives. Festive season is a time for family or friends get-togethers.
