Wednesday 4 December 2013

Passion, guys, PASSION!!!!

"Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate." 
Been listening to and watching students' presentations for the last couple of days. Most of them were good, a few bad ones, nobody was ugly. Strikingly none was excellent. Something was missing from their presentations - even the good ones. I feel it has to do with the students' mindset. They deemed the presentation just a monkey to be got rid of from their backs. It was a burden to them. "Just get it done and over with." Having such a thought embedded in their minds, it was improbable that they could present with conviction. I was not convinced, I don't think anybody believed. What was missing? How come there were no sparks, no fireworks? I pinpointed it down to a lack of passion or none of it. There was no feel. With passion, a bad idea sounds good. Without passion, a good idea is definitely bad. 

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the students do have passion. Looking at some of the powerpoint slides, it could be seen that a lot of time were spent preparing them. But, wonderful slides don't convince people. The presenters should let loose their canons and envelop the listeners with their passion. Show your enthusiasm. Nothing happens without enthusiasm. Haha, if you don't feel enthusiastic, then fake it!! Your listeners don't know that you are faking (unless if you are a hopeless actor). Then they become enthusiastic; and their enthusiasm will make you enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is like fire - it spreads. Enthusiasm moves the world!!!

Update: Went to my first class this morning and was pleasantly surprised!!!! First, I was treated to a cup of Starbucks hot chocolate - Thanks, Felicia. Love the drink. Secondly, the students were immaculately dressed in suits and all fired up for presentation. There was PASSION!!! Because of their very positive attitude and enthusiasm, everyone listened. You were great this morning!! It is this enthusiasm that makes study life so fun. Continue to be passionate, guys!!!

The CEO - boom, boom, boom!!!

Keeping eyes on competitors!!!

The walking management information system!!!

The design engineer!!!!!
Update Tuesday 10/12

Watched and listened to four groups doing their presentations today. Here are my observations and opinion:

1. There are groups and there are teams. Team members work for each other. There is mutual support with members of the team quickly jumping in to help answer questions from the audience. You can feel the camaraderie pervading from the team. On the other hand, group members are there only to do their own individual sections, displaying a lack of interest in what other members are doing. Teamwork is important to enhance the quality of the output. You have to work as a whole - complementing and supporting each other. 

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” 
2. Keeping the momentum flowing throughout the whole presentation. Some groups started brilliantly and raised expectations among the audience. Unfortunately, the momentum could not be sustained and interest tapered off as the presentation dragged on. It was an anti-climax. The high standard set at the beginning should be maintained throughout. The inability to maintain the standard may be due to insufficient preparation time.

3. Powepoint slides as presentation aids were excellently prepared. There were animations, graphs, charts, images, WordArt and clipart. Credit is given to these groups which have spent so much time preparing the slides. Well-done.

4. Attire - dress well because it builds confidence and it's nice to look at. Groups where members all wear coats or blazers have consistently performed better. Dress well to impress. "Dressed in the lion's skin, the ass spread terror far and wide".

Photo: Our ES tutor. He is a cute and funny tutor I ever meet. Attend he class won't feel sleepy and we enjoy and learn what he say.
"Clothes don't make the man, but clothes have got many a man a good job".
5. Use your common sense. It is not always that you have to follow the book strictly. Some things are simply not relevant to your business project. Why would you want to analyse the political environment of the country when all you want to do is to set up a corner stall to sell chicken rice?

yum cha with passion...
I guess you must be sick of images of me yum cha. How about a change? Picture is published with her consent. She's one of my ex-students - an excellent presenter!!! Lots of passion!!! LOL!!!!


  1. Em.. I completely understood what you are saying.. no sparks, no fireworks, no feel... I used to tell my students -> whatever we do, do it with feeling. Otherwise we will look like "a robot" or "a piece of machine". So, students, pls use your gesture -> the most important one is "eye focus".

  2. Some groups I went into were very enthusiastic, and the whole class enjoyed the presentation. Other groups were, like you said "robots" and well... time passed very, very slowly. ..

  3. Great to know there were improvement. From the above pictures, I could feel their gesture. Good job, students whoever you are! :) And congrats to you Mr Cheng.

    1. Thanks, Wai Wai - You are my greatest supporter!!!! Haha!!!

  4. Slides are just presentation tools. No matter how much effort you put on the slides, if you don't present well, it's useless.

    Slides should be in their head, ready to wow the spectators.

    But then again, everyone has a different set of skill.. some can do it effortlessly while some still looks dull even with much effort. :)

    Nonetheless, have to put on a good show :D

    1. Yeah, there are some very natural presenters. I've come across some really born-to-be presenters. Others have to be trained - given time, they can also be excellent.
